Category Archives: National Excursions

Yogic adventures outside the three walls of RTP

Heather Tiddens: On the motivation to teach and learn

So if you are a Facebook friend you have seen my enthusiasm about this weekend’s workshop series with Heather Tiddens. Her yin-yang approach to yoga is always a special treat and every session I leave feeling that much more connected to my body, my breath, and my purpose as a teacher and as a student of life. Continue reading

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Filed under National Excursions

Namaste Yogis

I’m Jennifer. A coffee loving, Ben and Jerry’s obsessed, imperfect with the best of ’em yogini and yoga teacher in the Triangle area of NC. This here blog is NOT meant to torment your path to enlightenment with laborious rants on the “yogic way” but rather a way to help you (hopefully) get out of your own way and join me in the task of not taking ourselves too darn seriously. Visit regularly to find fun, SHORT (I don’t expect you to read my novel) anecdotes mixed in with some rockin’ playlist reccomendations, fun asana flows, and suggestions of other places to navigate.

Think of it as a hodgepodge of Elephant inspired info with a twist… We may occasionally invite in a little Hanuman  for your pleasure to shake things up a bit  😉

Namaste ya’ll



Filed under Fav Flows, Local Yogals, National Excursions, Ocho Limbos, Yogi Tunes